Tuesday, 4 December 2012

25,000 dead bodies looks less to Indian Govt.

Bhopal gas tragedy...2–3 December 1984....it’s now 28 years now and still the victims didn’t get justice...
Almost 15,000 people killed in one blow in this mass murder...and more than 5 lakh family got affected and paralyzed...
558,125 injuries including 38,478 temporary partial injuries and approximately 3,900 severely and permanently disabling injuries.
And what govt. did is just 25,000 Rs to 94% who are dead.....
is this is fair....is this justice ?????

Is 25,000 Rs is enough compensation when somebody like father died of a family........no absolutely it is nothing compared to losses of family....
at least they should get pension for their entire like + education of their children + and sure some health allowance

at that time govt.. didn't even charge a high penalty from company  {Union Carbide Corporation (UCC)} who is responsible to this......as they ignore all the safety major.....and keep on digging every bodies grave....despite of warning.....they keep on exploration of gases.............and rest we know what happened..

The people who helped those people or victims....are initially non- profit organization.....they did whatever they can do...at that time, to save maximum......and i am proud they saved many thousands of life......................and they said that they didn’t see any help within 24 hours from govt...
this shows that govt. don't care for everybody as same....all govt. look after their vote bank...and it not their mistake...it’s the mistake of our...who support or vote to any party....which our elders told....we don't do a personal and unbiased research....
we don't see the values of a party and that’s the main thing we should know.....this is the only thing which effect their political, social, foreign trade, development, security, economical decisions

 At that time we have a govt. of Rajeev ghandi.....with full support of Rajyasabha and Loksabha... (Highest of ever a party afford)
that time govt. didn’t took serious decision against them.....even none of them who belongs to that company stays 24 hours in jail.....even i heard that company owner ( Warren Anderson, UCC CEO at the time of the disaster) is a friend of Rajeev Gandhi.....as Rajeev Gandhi bought him to India to set up business in India......and that time Rajeev Gandhi really helped that company owner to get out safe from this care........and secretly sends him to his country..////so that he doesn’t have to face coat case here.........

June 2010, seven ex-employees, including the former UCIL chairman, were convicted in Bhopal of causing death by negligence and sentenced to two years imprisonment
This is justice....................i only want to say on that................who the fuck need this

Activists and health worker say 1,00,000  people who were exposed to gas are facing serious healh problems today…
Sickness range from cance, blindness, respiratory difficulties, immune and neurological diorders, female reproductive diorders a well as birth dafects among children born to affected women….

The centre for cience and environment (CSE), has confirmed the presence of toxic chemicals in drinking water….which is slowly poisoning thouands more people……
CSE Report contradicts the govt. findings….saying samples taken from around the factory site contains  “chloride benzene compounds” and “organochloride pesticides” 561 times the national standard….
and samples taken as far as 3 km away from plant were found to have toxic chemicals 38.6 times more than the standard….
The report said there could be no other source of these toxins than “Union Carbide”….which is now “Eveready Industries India Limited”

Some organization is still with the victims and from last 28 years....they continuously standing in front of govt...
To provide them justice...and fare deal

Now  this is the time to rise up off all secular politics.....and took a decision which gives smile to everybody’s face .. :-)

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